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Modern Slavery Statement

Our commitment

Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights.  Moresand Limited is committed to conducting its business ethically and acting with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. We will not tolerate any forms of slavery or human trafficking in our business.

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and relates to our financial year ending 31 March 2023. This statement applies to Moresand Limited and to our US based subsidiary, Moresand LLC.

Our structure and supply chains

Moresand Limited is a travel company providing worldwide flights, hotels, packaged holidays and cruises. We have several offices based outside of the UK. As a company who operates globally, we are aware that some of our structure and supply chain may be based in countries that are more vulnerable to human rights abuses than others.

Due diligence and risk assessment

Our commitment to the Modern Slavery extends to those who we choose to supply services to us, and we expect them to apply our own high standards. We always risk assess any new business relationship, assessing reputation, ethical history and modern slavery risks.

We recognise that tackling the issues of Modern Slavery is a complex and ongoing process. We therefore make a commitment to continually reviewing, identifying and improving our own awareness and updating the actions that we can take in this area.

Action taken and training provided

Employees are encouraged to raise awareness and report to management, any indication of Modern Slavery throughout our business. This policy is available to all employees through our online HR portal, and training will be provided as necessary.

If we do become aware of any breach of this policy in our supply chain, then appropriate action would be taken to demand improvements in suppliers working practices. Ultimately, if these actions were not forthcoming, we would terminate our dealings with that supplier.

The Directors and senior management team have overall responsibility of ensuring this Policy is applied throughout our business. 


Sukh Kang                               

Last updated: 31.07.23

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